Mandy Biles - StRide By StRide Equestrians Guide
Connecting us, through goals, to life's brightest potential.
Mandy Biles 2018 WORD

WORD: Where One Realization Develops


By Mandy Biles - Equestrian's Academy Coach | December 2017

The year I wrote "Everything has a place" motivating toward and focusing on "Organize" the feeling of accomplishment was astounding. That was 2016. I gave myself permission the final destination was not definitive. Wow, I got through storage boxes freeing up space and gave away much others could use filling me with warmth. The focus was clear and I followed the theme with listening to audio books like One Year To An Organized Life, The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up, which lead to Spark Joy and many others on organizing while transforming. I also took a course on A Year To Clear.

As the year was wrapping up I thought my goal setting process was a success. I decided to do it again; however, this time I did not boil it down to one word. There were several phrases and told myself I am going to do all of it this time. Ha ha! I felt like I fell into disorganization, disconnection and overwhelmed with my big plan.  The year was flying by.  Toward the end I decided “Connect” would be my main direction.  I toyed with the idea of doing a “Connection Clinic”.  True connection of a horse and rider is a joy to see.  It is something I strive for as I step into the arena, to hear a connection was made and create a plan on how to develop it more thoroughly.  I feel I want to have a better connection with learners in order to understand and serve more.  Posting this is another form of connecting with you.  “Connect” got me going again.


2017 was still a wonderful year and a happy year for me as in prior years “Confidence” was the one word.  Through the journey I discovered many additional benefits of staying on track to build up this trait.  I truly believe you can focus on one skill or trait to enhance it really does not matter the term you use for it as many could fulfill the same mission.  As well, other traits / skills will enrich leaping you forward into wonderful things.  I feel I became much happier overall and am able to recognize and redirect more fluently.  Although I was not looking for this I think happiness is the goal behind the goal for us.


“Simplify” is my choice for 2018.  I have a few ideas as to what this means and look forward to what else transpires.  In 2016 I wrote out the phrase and placed it in the cupboard where I keep my coffee cups, a place I visited on a daily basis.  As I was figuring out where to display my “Simplify” sign, the thought of “above the back door I go out to feed the horses” and snapping back to realizing I use it all the time, I had a revelation.  Share it!  And as lessons progress I ask, “Are you ready for a challenge?”  in order  to  work on what we just covered, step it up, and see where it is heading.  I ask you to take on this one term challenge, “2018 WORD”, with me.


WORD: Where One Realization Develops

  • Understand the benefits of a one word year
  • How to find your word
  • Progress into your true intentions


1. In goal setting intent is important.  It allows for a clear focus.  It is digging deep to find the goal behind the surface goal.  As you contemplate yourself through the year of 2018, keep asking why is “this” important to me.  Then ask, why is “that” important to me.  This is your motivation.  It may not be a big huge dream or come whizzing in to view.  It may be softly spoken, a hand pulling you in the direction you desire, and a powerful force to help you become and get “it”. Answer: Where do you want to be?  How do you see yourself as you become “this”.

2. A word has imagery and energy. Just pick one later, however right now you may have a few.  What word pops into view?  It is okay if you feel it may not be a good choice…, yet.  You do not need to know the how of it.  It is the clarity and your authenticity that matter.  If you feel stuck take a look at other responses.  Here is a list of a few: Compassion, Delight, Pioneer, Abundance, Creativity, Confidence, Release, Forgive, Patience, Love, Exploration, Awe, Power, Allow, Focus, Listen, No, Growth, Generosity…  Narrow your list to your top three.  List your top three word choices.

3. Write your results from this thought process for each of the three words:

  • a. With narrowed focus and clarity taking a close look at each word I will ask, why do you feel this is a great word for you this year?  If you embraced this word daily, how would you become in a day?  Do you already live this word?  List a few things you could create or bring in this year if you lived this word daily. 
  • b. Are there triggers that make you want to run away from this word?  What obstacles have kept you from living this word before?  List a few new habits you could create to live this word more fully.
  • c. List a few goals, big or small, that you would like to accomplish this year, based on this word.  What would be “ticket” for you in this coming year?  If you took the time to do this your brain is already working toward it!  Yeah!

4. Share your word.  Your one word.  The one that leads you to the others.  Share it where you can.  Post it where you will see it every day.  Whoo-hoo!!!  You picked a word.  This does not ensure magic results.  Let it resonate with you and redirect you throughout the year.  Put it to work for you.  Enjoy.  And thank you.