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Coaching Programs
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Mandy's mission is to connect equestrians, through goals, to life's highest potential by creating her vision and sharing with you StRide By StRide Equestrians Guide: An Educational and Coaching System Connecting Us, Through Goals, To Life's Brightest Potential.
I invite you to take a ride on an amazing journey with me, StRide By StRide. I will be unveiling the concepts of this continuous year long program holding to the core of truth, belief and growth. Sessions involve a twelve week exploration each of LEARN, CREATE, IMPACT and DREAM as the four quarters of the whole. Each quarter comes with its’ own unique experience of designing our future from goals, to resources, including awareness. Horse management topics are sprinkled in with flavors for all equestrians. They all intertwine with projects for a deeper understanding and developing IT.
Invest in yourself and live your best year ever. One idea in here could change everything for you and you get to learn more about your equine partner. Let the journey begin and invite a friend. Do it together. You may join any time. All are welcome. START IT now! Own your journey, believe in IT. Challenge your Inner Truth!
Shiny Tremendous
And Real Training
START is created as a program for all equestrians to explore concepts with Mandy, your StRide By StRide equestrians guide. START the ride you were meant to be on. Take ahold of your own reins. Let the journey begin. Find IT. Great for horse handlers, riding instructors, farm and ranch managers, and more...
Horse Management Preparation & Readiness Evaluation Program
HM PREP courses are specifically designed for Equestrian's Academy members next level horse management studies. It will become your own strategic HM PREP clinic for certification testing resources and personal growth through goals and projects. Perfect for Pony Club, 4-H, and more...